Adding the first Niagara System

Today was my first foray into Niagara systems. Although I'm already using some for explosions, this was one I configured from scratch.

Adding the first Niagara System

Today was my first foray into Niagara systems. Although I'm already using some for explosions, this was one I configured from scratch.

As the aliens descend, they will fire off short laser bursts which will contribute to the player's damage. In this example video though, they're firing constantly just so I can capture the effect.


I'm not sure yet if the pawn actor can register any of the particle hits in a collider sense. I'm also not sure if I really need to. I could for example make the assumption that if the alien is firing (which would be random) then the pawn is suffering damage.

However, the Niagara system has two emitters, the second of which is responding to collisions on the first, providing the effect of pieces of damage flying off the target. It needs some tweaking, but it's a start.